Friday, April 8, 2011


Even though most of the activities I report on involve the water in some way, the biggest sport here is clearly basketball. At any given time there are three difference leagues competing at the Palau National Gymnasium, there are basketball hoops in every hamlet (that's what they call neighborhoods here), and the last page of every issue of the Island Times includes at least two articles about that week's games.

Palauan basketball is impressive too. What may be lost in the height that the best players in the states have is easily made up for in three-point shooting, ball handling, and speed.

My sisters will tell you that basketball...well it's just not my sport. I played in grade school and for a bit in high school, where I promptly got cut at the the beginning of my junior year. So it's not that I choose not to play, it's that I've been asked not to play. And although the Schumaker fam has been known to play some pretty intense games of lightning, when I get involved it inevitably becomes a chance for Lisa and Kelly to play "tackle Anna." I get the impression that I serve more of a comedic than athletic role when we play. And to top it off, it's been literally over a decade since I've played in an actual game, so the little skill I have is rusty.

Given my spotty history, when Veronica asked me whether I wanted to join the Palau Women's League and play for a team called Sam's Kryptonite, it was a good thing I hesitated. But Veronica, Holly, and Justice Foster were all playing, so I decided to give it a whirl as well. After all, Kryptonite is coached by Jubilee, who's been coaching and playing in Palau for years, and is basically the go-to person for all things basketball as far as I'm concerned.

We started practicing in the beginning of December. I've figured out how to shoot and handle the ball again, but I'm definitely not playing point guard any time soon. And I've come to the sad realization that I'm getting old because my ankles are killing me! Thankfully, my sister Lisa has some fancy-pants basketball shoes that she was willing to send me. I've been told that wearing her "And 1's" made me legit. So even though my 5 foot 4 inch frame doesn't look like that of a basketball player, and I don't really play like one, from below the knee I'm [insert really good basketball player's name here].

Practice takes place on an outdoor court near one of the schools here. It's not too shabby, our court is on a cleared field surrounded by coconut trees, and it's somewhat high up. So we play until the sun sets, or until it rains to the point where we're slipping and sliding all over the court. I've had a few not so gracious falls during practice. Like I said, I provide comic relief!

During practice we split the court with some of the kids from the neighborhoods, and Jubilee and our tough-as-nails assistant coach Ryan (Holly's fiance) run us through some drills. And then we attempt to scrimmage the neighborhood kids--they consistently trounce us in bare feet. Turns out, the And 1's don't carry much weight here. Despite the fact that Veronica, Holly, and Justice Foster are all very tall and athletic, these kids weave around us and make shots--more often than not 3 pointers--every time. So before the league officially started, our confidence was pretty low.

But thankfully we've got a bunch of other really talented ladies with experience playing Palauan ball. So we pressed on, kept on practicing, and we're going into the playoffs with a record of 5 and 5 (if memory serve). We've had some tough losses, and learned the hard way the "take no prisoners" attitude. The teams to beat are Money and Bring It On. Team Money (and I thought we had the perfect team name) has at least four women that played on the national team during the Micronesian games this past August, so they were tough. We stuck with them during the first half, but they pulled away in the end, beating us by 8. And when we attempted to take on Bring It On, we failed pretty miserably. We don't need to go into the score...let's just say we lost by more than 8. It wouldn't be that bit of a pride issue, but as I mentioned before, the Island Times reports the scores, making a 30-point loss sting a bit more. But lately we've been making some great ground, including a 90 to 42 victory! Put that score in the newspaper!

This coming week we head into play-offs. I'll keep you all posted on how we do. I'll do my best not to trip over my own two feet, throw airballs, and get beat on defense--not that any of that has happened...

Let's go Kryptonite!

Here are the girls!

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